Passing Messages from the shoulders of Apache:
A demonstration of distributed image processing

Part 7: Example Code
By Matthew Stevenson -  (July 25, 2011)
  1. Overview - Distributed messaging with Avro and Qpid
  2. Camera Capture Process
  3. Face Detection Process
  4. Video Display (C++)
  5. Video Display (Java)
  6. Running the Processes
  7. Complete Code
The complete code is available in a .zip here.

You must have Avro, Qpid, Boost, and OpenCV in order to build the C++ code.
You will need to link to the following libraries: avrocpp, qpidmessaging, opencv, and boost_thread

You must hava Avro and Qpid in order to build the Java code.
I have included a pom.xml which can be used with Maven to download the needed Java dependencies.

  1. Overview - Distributed messaging with Avro and Qpid
  2. Camera Capture Process
  3. Face Detection Process
  4. Video Display (C++)
  5. Video Display (Java)
  6. Running the Processes
  7. Complete Code